Will be in an area of Lusaka called the Chipata catchment area, and will look similar to this one.
The house will not have electricity nor indoor plumbing, but will be a safe and decent place for a family. The floor (cement or concrete) will be poured after the roof is on, to avoid cracking. I imagine it would dry too quickly without the roof on. Our goal will be to finish the home- this will depend on how quickly we are able to get things done of course,
And here are the bricks we’ll be building with- they look heavy, so start weight training today, as we won’t have a fork-lift or any other mechanical device to move them!
(We will have Mike of course who has volunteered to be on brick-carrying detail I believe).
We are one of the few teams building in this area. Most of the homes built in Zambia are under the Mortgage program, to allow HFH Zambia to have an on-going renewable source of funding for other families. Homes in the Chipata area are non-mortgage build, as their focus is on providing decent shelter to at-risk families that may not have any means of support. Â A lot of the building in the Vulnerable Group Program has been funded by a grant from Irish Aid, which ran out last September. HFH Zambia is delighted that we have chosen to spend our efforts here.