2015 – Linda Compound Lusaka, Zambia

Another successful build in Zambia with Habitat in Linda Compound. 2 new homes for 2 deserving families.

One home was for a 73 yr old widow & her 7 grandkids and the other home was for a young mom 39 yrs old with 7 children. Zambians are some of the friendliest, warmest, funniest, generous people on this planet! The children are so curious friendly and helpful. They love to try and “help” by lifting bricks heavier than themselves! ! Despite being winter (hot & windy) the whole trip was amazing with much hard work, laughter, and appreciation! (& a few mosquitos)

Thanks to teammates  Rick, Mike, Susan, Bert, Alice, Jim & Barb, Mona and the 3 sisters Louisa, Peggy & Katie for an unforgettable time.! Thanks again to everyone who donated to our cause financially as well as the bounty of medical supplies, soccer balls, school supplies and so much more . You know who you are!! LOVE YOU!!



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