Sisterhood Scarves

Peggy has created these original hand made scarves to help raise funds for the Sisters to continue building houses with Habitat for Humanity. So get a jump on your Christmas shopping or just get buy one for yourself. You deserve it !

Small – $7.00    Regular – $10.00  Embellished (with sparkles, ruffles and other pretty things) $15.00

Extra Extra ! News from the Calgary Herald

Communication concept

The team is strong because of the strength of its Leader!

The Calgary Herald recently interviewed Peggy.  As Peggy is now in her role as the Team Leader for the 2nd  year, they wanted to talk to her about her experiences.  Peggy shares her thoughts on the importance of the role of Habitat for Humanity and the individual teams that make it all happen. Way to go Peg!  The team is strong because of the strength of its Leader!


Can’t Wait to Get There and Get Building

Thank you to the team for choosing to do this build. There has been a ton of planning, fund-raising, collecting of donations, reading, scheduling, and so on. All is in order, tickets bought, bags mostly packed, shots had, visa’s issued, documents signed, and now the team of 11 is in the final stages of preparing to embark on the trip.

Can’t wait to get there, meet the families, meet our friends from Habitat Zambia, make new friends, see old ones again and get building!!

Our NEW TeamZambia 2012 !

Our team is coming together very strong,with 9 people already.  We are very happy to report that we have some of the same team members from previous years  coming back again!  A good sign this is a good thing to be a part of.  We  are super excited to have some newcomers on board. Our team is looking for a couple of more  passionate people  to join so pls contact us if that sounds like you.  We can be reached on the FaceBook page

OH!  when are we going? We will arrive May 12 and depart May 29th (ish) 2012. Just around the corner.

Where Will Our New Homes Be Built?

So we have heard that the new homes we will be building in are going to be in the same area that we were in 2011.  A township called Independence.  Doesn’t that name just sound so hopeful for a family with dreams.

Lusaka is the capital of Zambia.The city figured prominently in the movement for independence and was where the Federation of African Societies founded the Northern Rhodesian Congress in 1948. After the federation of Northern and Southern Rhodesia took place in 1953, Lusaka was a hub of the civil-disobedience movement (1960) that led to the creation of the independent state of Zambia, of which Lusaka became the capital.

Although basically reliant on its agricultural environs, and a major collecting point for corn (maize) and tobacco, Lusaka has a mixed economy that includes cement, textile, and shoe manufacture, and food processing. An international airport and the University of Zambia (founded 1965) are just outside the city, and the Munda Wanga Botanical Gardens are nearby.

The surrounding area consists mostly of flat grassland that supports ranches and farms. Termite mounds 3 to 6 m (10 to 20 ft) high are a regular feature of the landscape. Farming and stock rearing are the principal economic activities in the region, and products include corn, beef, hides, dairy products, and tobacco.


2011 Thank you from Habitat for your support

The Families We Built for in 2011

Thought you would like to see a message from our Global Village co-ordinator.  He sent us a beautiful document that features some of the families who received new homes in 2011.  The two families that we built for were featured! You will find the pages for Judith Mutale and Beatrice Mwangala- it warms our hearts to see what a difference a modest home has made in their lives, and the lives of their beautiful children. Seeing this after we have left for the home makes it even more worthwhile – if that’s possible, and gives extra special meaning to what we have contributed. (click on the images to see larger)

Subject: Thank you for your support

Dear Friends of Habitat for Humanity Zambia,

Habitat for Humanity Zambia and the communities we serve would like to thank you for your support and gifts that have enabled us to reach out to more families that are in need of decent and safe housing in our country.

Please find attached some of the families served under the Orphaned and Vulnerable children (OVC) program. Without your support, this could have not been possible!

With great thanks!

 Voster Tembo,

Resource Development and communications officer, Habitat for Humanity Zambia